"Praises" poem #9
What is this "me" culture? What is this "you"? You walk so blindly But say it's light Now I won't be bashing I won't be loud I stand and knock Watching that very clock Tiktok it goes Ticking the time away Waiting for your praise But the praise never came You sing of me But you sing for yourself You sing to share The gift that you got But when you "praise" me You get the praise instead Centered around me? You say As your voice lifted up But for those who don't sing For those who are shy Why are you scared? To sing praises in my name? Because you're not good? Your voice is not there? I hear my people sing But themselves do they praise Where does your song come from? From the heart or from the voice? Do you not understand? The heart praises me the most How good you can sing How high you hold that note Beautiful that voice Like a crystal in its purest form Though your voice may be lovely And your praised in my home Your purest voice is from...