Love yourself
I say "love yourself" because often we don't love ourselves. In fact, some may not know this but they hate themselves. Some don't think they hate themselves but in reality, they do. Have you ever heard the quote "you can't love others if you don't love yourself". It's true. How can a person say to someone else that they love them if they don't love themselves? If i don't love myself, then i don't respect myself. And to love oneself is to respect oneself and to not want harm to come to oneself. Let me ask you this. If you care for someone, do you want harm to come to them? Or do you want them to be safe? Well the answer should be obvious. You would want that person out of harms way. So check and see if you love yourself. If you know that you don't then here's a little thing you can try to help you to start loving yourself because Jesus loves you and you should too. Get a notebook or a piece of paper and a pen. Star...